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Transforming lives through expressive mental health therapy!

How our therapy model works

Children's Mental Health Therapy


Jumping Mouse helps children heal through expressive mental health therapy. We support the child’s healthy development for as long as it takes. We see children aged three to twelve for a variety of reasons, most often when they have experienced emotional stress or trauma that has deeply affected them and their families.


Our unique model includes weekly one-on-one therapy sessions between the child and a specially trained therapist for as many weeks as necessary. While their child is in therapy, parents and caregivers also receive ongoing support. In addition, we meet with teachers and other important adults in the child’s life to develop a strong support system for the child and her family.

School and Educator Support



Jumping Mouse therapists have always met and consulted with our children’s teachers to help them understand the child’s needs. We serve as a resource on the impact of trauma in child development, and we offer problem-solving tools for teachers on an ongoing basis. We offer support to educators and school staff in the Brinnon School District, at Chimacum Creek Primary, Chimacum Elementary School and Salish Coast Elementary. We look forward to working together for a safe and compassionate school environment where all children can thrive.

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